U.S. Providers Network
Please note that the QHM Find a Provider search locator first searches for providers in the QHM Select Network (QHM Proprietary Network) followed by providers in the U.S. PPO Network. The QHM Select Network offers exceptional value. The U.S. PPO Network offers access to additional quality providers. By continuing this search, you are agreeing to our Terms of Search.
Search for QHM Physician Network Provider »
if you are searching for a specific physician or a listing of physicians in a certain specialty or location.

Search for a QHM Facilities Network Provider »
if you are searching for a specific clinic of facility or facilities in a certain location.

Other U.S. Provider Networks
If you cannot find your desired provider or facility in the QHM Select Network searches above, please click below to access and search one of the alternative U.S. provider networks (United Healthcare or Multiplan):
Search for Providers in Other U.S. Networks »
Por favor comunicarse con Quality Health Management al 305-821-8430 y solicitar hablar con el departamento de servicios al miembro. Nuestro equipo los puede asistir con la coordinación de sus citas y cualquiera pregunta relacionada con los prestadores incluyendo la participación en la red.
Please contact Quality Health Management at 305-821-8430 and ask to speak to the Member Service Department. Our team will be able to assist with coordinating your medical appointments and respond any questions related to the providers including network participation.