The QHM Difference

Get to know QHM: Caring Experts in Medical Cost Containment

The QHM DifferenceQHM’s long-standing success as a medical cost containment partner started in 2000. Today, it is a proven expert with closely managed relationships across global underwriters, governments, and reinsurers. A key advantage to clients is that QHM provides a consultative expert partnership with resourceful responsiveness and results for discerning clients globally who seek higher levels of savings and service.

QHM was founded with the vision of giving customers a more complete understanding and ability to impact their cost containment above and beyond what traditional repricing allows. QHM does things differently. We do not start with a rule book. We don’t start with a set of big business practices. We first listen to your member’s needs. After listening, we evaluate and advocate on their behalf; our experience and deep international connections guide us to the best care at the most affordable price.

Thanks to outstanding expertise in claims, policy language and customer service along with analytical, network and business development skills, the company enjoys a strong reputation across a growing group of stable and distinguished clients and partners.

The success of the company entered a new phase in 2017 when the acquisition by Global Benefits Group (GBG) positioned QHM with additional resources and relationships for continued growth.

What sets QHM apart in a market which has matured for over 20 years

Over the last two decades, the market matured primarily along the lines of volumes, players, and fees where new entrants and new clients sought lower per unit costs. However, there is overall still a long ways to go for aligning the needs of underwriters, reinsurers, providers, and members in ways which find a more complete and effective chain of service and savings. This is where QHM shines.

A starting point for QHM’s client engagements is a key service of carefully reviewing how their policy language should evolve to meet market needs and facilitate smooth settlements. Importantly, provider relationships maintained for clients allow a level of flexibility for best effect. Clients also tell us that having direct access to hands-on executives makes a clear difference.

How COVID-19 impacts the business outlook

Like any other company, QHM has had to manage the challenges of rapidly going remote and postponing travel plans. Fortunately, the business has showed resilience. While other companies who are more dependent on leisure and corporate travel have seen volumes drop by over than 50% and sometimes fully stop, QHM clients are highly reliant on travel for treatment, which remains a strong category for the company.

Where QHM goes next in its continued delivery of services and savings

QHM’s fundamental strengths are in close consultative relationships which develop long-term collaboration across a wide set of parameters and processes. Building on its success to date, the company expects to continue to grow these relationships as current and future clients seek to achieve new levels of results.

Being part of a global organization helps the company to make investments in products, process, and people that now allows QHM to have an expanded presence in which to message and engage in new client discussions.

For more information, please contact

Patty Ziomek, Senior Vice President of Business Development